About Us

Antiqa Ceramic Pvt. Ltd. is a distinguished venture of the Antique Group of Companies, India’s leading tiles manufacturer.

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Why Choose Us

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Antiqa Ceramic Pvt Ltd is one of the largest Semi porcelain tiles. We are hardworking, young professionals always ready to cover extra mile. We are leading in Ceramic Tiles.

We believe that quality products can be attained in economical measures. We export directly from factory, cutting all of the middlemen’s costs and agent markups.

We have the staff, we have the capacity, we have the expertise and just as importantly we have the want and desire to offer you the very best solutions for all your tiling requirements, in every single way. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you on any size project. We cater for all budgets and are keen to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

Our products are a reflection of our standards. We pride ourselves on products from high-end brands such as Weber and Laticrete.

Facility We Provide

Our design Facility starts and ends with a best in class experience
strategy that builds brands.

Elegance,luxury and glamour

Our current focus on manufacturing 30x60 tiles, suitable for both wall and floor applications with cement only, exemplifies our commitment to innovation and convenience in tile installation.


Years of

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